Thursday, December 2, 2010

Les Vacances de Noël are Almost Here

I can't believe the semester is already almost over! Only have two more weeks of classes and I will be off for Christmas break (though final exams await after the break, unfortunately).

During the past few weeks, I have had a chance to visit several new places in Paris. As I have been rather stressed with my end-of-semester work load, I have made the time once or twice to simply take a stroll around Paris. First, I made a visit to the Latin Quarter, where I saw several buildings of the Sorbonne and the Parthenon. The next week, I (along with a couple friends from Sciences Po/Tech) was able to welcome a friend of mine from Georgia Tech who was studying abroad in London and who decided to come over to Paris for the weekend. We went to several places that I simply have not had the time to visit since arriving. In addition to seeing the Eiffel Tower from the Trocadéro (beautiful with the blue sky and bright sun), we went to see Montmartre and Sacré Cœur that evening. It was such a beautiful church, especially lit up at night at the summit of the hill where it is located. The interior was even more awe-inspiring--the wide open arms of Christ in the mosaic on the ceiling was simply breathtaking.

Of course, I cannot forget Thanksgiving, which was celebrated only one week ago. I did not really do any celebrating the day of Thanksgiving, but I was fortunate enough to be invited to celebrate Thanksgiving a couple weeks early with an American couple and several of their friends and colleagues. In fact, the company may have been my favorite part of the evening, as there was a mix of French, American, German, and Italian guests, all of whom were extremely friendly and welcoming. Of course, the food certainly was not bad, either; we had everything from turkey and cranberry to pumpkin pie! I was not only impressed by the excellent cooking, but I was also amazed to see how many typically American ingredients and dishes they were able to find in France (which is not always easy).

It is hard to believe I have already been in France for a little over three months now. It is simply going by too quickly! Maybe if I spend a little more time exploring Paris it will somehow make the time go by more slowly... : )

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Excursion to Brussels

For my first European trip outside Paris, I decided to go to Brussels during the weekend of Toussaint. (In France, everyone gets at least All Saints' Day off, if not an additional week and a half for students who are high-school age or younger). As I only spent a little less than three days there, I took the time to do a lot of planning in advance in order to visit as many museums, taste as much food, and see as many sights as possible.

One of the first things I noticed in Brussels was how very different it was from Paris. After exiting the train station, one can see a gorgeous cathedral built in the Middle Ages, a window-covered modern office building, and a 1920s art nouveau structure, all within a couple blocks of each other! Haussmann definitely never made the trip to Brussels... The city certainly has its charm, though, and I benefited from its small size by taking several walks around the city to see the many cathedrals, parks, and public buildings. The St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral was perhaps my favorite church, with its soaring spires and impressive "pulpit" (forgive my lack of Catholic terminology), though I was also impressed by the sheer size of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, which was built in the early twentieth century.

Apart from the hidden treasures inside the city, I also visited several museums and famous sights. Among my favorites were the Atomium (built for the 1958 World's Fair), Mini Europe, the Musical Instrument Museum (where I saw all the "ancestors" of my favorite instrument, the piano), and of course the Grand Place (the main square in Brussels where one can find the town hall, a large church, and many little shops and restaurants in the 17th-century buildings). There are so many more things to see in Brussels than I realized, but I managed to visit a surprisingly large number of sights. Of course, as a political science major, I could not make the trip to visit Brussels without seeing the buildings that house several of the institutions of the European Union. Although most of the buildings were not open for individual visits, I was at least able to visit the European Parliament. Although we were only allowed to see the main chamber, I still enjoyed a "behind-the-scenes" glimpse into the world of European politics.

I could not talk about my time in Brussels without at least a brief note about the cuisine. Although I never had a real meal with strictly Belgium food, I did make sure I sampled many of the foods that are thought of as typically Belgium. Of the food I tried, I was probably least impressed by the "French" fries, which did not taste very special to me. The waffles, on the other hand, were even better than I had imagined. I tried both a light, crispy, rectangular Brussels waffle in a café and a hot, gooey Liège waffle, which I bought at a street stand. They were both absolutely delicious; I do not think I will be able to appreciate American waffles at breakfast as much as I used to! Last, but by no means least, I ate about a year's worth of chocolate, as I simply had to sample a little bit of chocolate from all of the major Belgian chocolate boutiques. In the end, my favorite chocolate came from Neuhaus, the creators of both the Belgian praline and the ballotin. My favorite Neuhaus chocolates were probably the truffles, with their perfect balance of bitter chocolate powder and creamy, sweet filling. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it...

Well, that is a little bit about my first venture outside France. It was a tiring three-day trip, but undoubtedly well worth the fatigue for the enjoyable experience!

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Little Bit of the "South"

Hey, everyone! I apologize for taking a particularly long time to post anything, as I have been doing a lot of traveling and studying recently. To try to make up for it, I will add several posts at the same time with extra pictures.

A couple weeks ago, I made my first trip outside of the Paris area since I have been in France. My host father has a family house in a little village near Limoges, which is a few hours south of Paris. We left on a Thursday morning, which was a little complicated due to the strikes that were still taking place (surprise!), but we got to Limoges with enough time remaining to see the town before lunch. Limoges is not a very large town, but it is full of cathedrals, bridges, and entire neighborhoods that date back to the Middle Ages. It was fascinating to see how well preserved all these areas are, and I took plenty of pictures. I am still impressed every time I see a church or a house in France that was built centuries ago, long before any Europeans had even set foot in my own country!

After our brief visit in Limoges, my French "father" and I went to the picturesque nearby town of Aix-sur-Vienne. The countryside was so beautiful, and I certainly enjoyed breathing the clean country air for a few days. It took a while to clean the house (which was crawling with spiders initially, as houses built in the 17th century apparently have more openings than modern houses to let in little "visitors"...), but after about an hour we were settled in for the two short days we would have there. Visiting Aix-sur-Vienne was a very nice change from my life in Paris, even though I certainly love the city. Everyone we encountered was very kind, they spoke with a "southern" accent (which is great for foreigners like me since they pronounce every single syllable!), and everything was much less rushed than in Île-de-France. It was almost a little like the South, actually...

Speaking of the South (and for my French readers, I mean the good ole' southern USA : )), I gave my host family a little taste of chez moi the weekend after my trip. My host parents were both eager to try some American cuisine, so I decided to make some homemade biscuits for them. Even though I was using my dad's fail-proof recipe, I was still a little nervous about all the conversions I had to make. Nonetheless, they were nice and fluffly, golden-brown, and delicious! More importantly, my host family seemed to really enjoy them, and it gave me a chance to tell them a little bit about what life is like back in the South.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ma première visite hors de Paris

Après presque deux mois en France, j'ai enfin fait mon premier voyage hors de Paris. Pour ce premier voyage, je suis allé en Limousin avec mon père d'accueil. Là-bas, mon père d'accueil a une maison de sa famille qui a été construite en 1674. Comme il y va à peu près tous les deux mois pour faire le ménage, s'occuper de son potager, et reprendre ses forces un peu, il m'a invité à lui accompagner pour voir une partie de la campagne française. Malgré les difficultés de transport (on avait déjà acheté des billets de SNCF bien en avance, malheureusement...), nous nous sommes bien amusés.

En arrivant à Limoges, nous avons fait un court tour de la ville, visitant surtout les structures féodales, en comprenant un vieux pont et plusieurs cathédrales. C'était vraiment fascinant, surtout pour un visiteur des États-Unis où il est rare de trouver un bâtiment datant même du 18e siècle. Après la visite à Limoges, nous sommes allés à sa vieille maison à Aixe s/Vienne. Le paysage à cette ville pittoresque était tellement joli, encore plus à cause du beau temps qu'il faisait !

Pendant mon petit séjour à Aixe s/Vienne, nous avons beaucoup travaillé à la maison, puisqu'il y avait plein de légumes à récolter, quelques fuites à réparer, une pelouse à tendre, etc. Néanmoins, mon père d'accueil et moi sommes sortis plusieurs fois pour nous promener, pour faire des cours et pour aller à la Maison de la Porcelaine. Moi, je n'avais pas la moindre idée que la porcelaine se fabriquait en France, encore moins qu'elle était aussi belle ! En plus, on offrait des visites guidées de la fabrication de la porcelaine, et ainsi j'ai eu l'occasion de apprendre comment la porcelaine se fabrique, ce qui a été plus intéressant que je ne pensais.

Bref, je me suis bien amusé au sud de la France. Bien que je n'aie forcément pas fait beaucoup de choses, je me suis bien reposé et je pense que l'aire fraîche et pure du sud m'a fait vraiment du bien. Même après le retour stressant (pour lequel il nous a fallu plus que neuf heures à cause des trains annulés, retardés, etc.), je pense bien qu'il valait la peine de faire une petite aventure en dehors de Paris.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One Last Week of Sunshine

I have had such a wonderful week here in Paris! After a week of cold, rainy weather, we have had almost an entire week of beautiful, cloud-free sunshine with temperatures in the mid-70s. The ideal weather has certainly helped me relax a little despite the stress of classes and (starting yesterday) strikes.

In order to end with the positive aspects of my week, I am taking the liberty to [briefly] vent about the current strikes. To begin, I do not even understand how the unions in France can be so upset, as the current strike has resulted from an increase of the retirement age in France from 60 to 62. That still seems rather young to me from my Anglo-Saxon perspective. From what I have heard, employees in the private sector are the individuals who will be most affected by this measure, yet these are the very people who not only cannot participate in the strike, but who are inconvenienced the most by the transportation disturbances! I suppose I cannot really judge French politics as an American, but it is still frustrating to have to get up at 4:00 in the morning so I will have a chance to get to Paris in time for an 8:00 class...

Now for the more enjoyable aspects of Parisian life. : ) Once again, I went to the Louvre this past Friday. Before entering the museum, I finally broke down and went to the Starbucks that conveniently happens to be just outside the entrance to the galleries. I am a little surprised I made it a month and a half with no Starbucks, but everything is about twice as expensive in Parisian Starbucks. Anyway, I visited the section of the Louvre with medieval/early Renaissance statues, which, surprisingly, I thoroughly enjoyed. Most of the works were religious in nature, and it was fascinating to me to see (through artistic expression) how people in different regions of Europe at different periods in time viewed their relationship with Jesus. There were many wooden statues that were larger than life-sized, which I thought were particularly moving.

To conclude with a few notes about my classes, I must say that I have really come to like French methodology (at least the Sciences Po "variety"). At the risk of sounding like a complete nerd, I think it is almost fun to figure out how to organize all my presentations à la Sciences Po (everything divided into two sections, then two sub-sections, then two sub-sub-sections, etc.). At the very least, I seem to be adjusting more and more to classes in France, which has been rather challenging coming from an American university (which is not necessarily easier, just quite different!).

I don't really know how many people actually make it to the end of my posts (which are a little longer than I would prefer...), but I hope you all have an excellent week! I hope to have some pictures from Limoges, France for my next post...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Heureusement qu'il fasse beau...

Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Je suis sincèrement désolé d'avoir laissé passer tant de temps entre mes postes en français. J'ai passé quelques semaines assez stressantes, donc je n'avais pas le courage d'écrire quelque chose en français. Cependant, il fait très, très beau depuis plusieurs jours, ce qui me donne non seulement la force de supporter les perturbations de transports, mais aussi la force de retourner à la langue de Molière. : )

Je commence d'abord par mes études. Déjà, j'ai fait mon premier exposé il y a deux semaines, mon premier travail en groupe (un dossier cartographique pour lequel j'ai failli passé ma première nuit blanche...), et mon premier débat en groupe. Malgré mes soucis au début, je trouve que la méthodologie française, ou plutôt de Sciences Po, me va bien. C'est aussi très intéressant d'observer de tout près la méthode française de travailler, surtout en groupe. Bien qu'on prenne toujours plus de temps que prévu pour chaque travail (il me semble), on arrive toujours à bien approfondir le sujet et ainsi on est bien préparé avant le cours.

Comme d'habitude, j'ai aussi fait plusieurs trucs en dehors de mes cours. Tout d'abord, j'ai fêté la fin de la première semaine de travaux en allant à la Nuit Blanche à Paris. D'abord, j'ai retrouvé deux de mes amis américains pour aller au Musée de l'Orangerie pour voir les grands tableaux de Monet, puis nous sommes allés vers Notre Dame. Là, nous avons rejoint plusieurs jeunes italiens que mes amis américains connaissent. Pour moi c'était une opportunité formidable de pratiquer ma compréhension orale et (un peu moins) mon expression orale. Après que nous avons tous bu un café ou un petit verre dans un café, nous sommes tous revenus chez nous. C'était une soirée très agréable !

Après être allé à l'église dimanche matin, j'ai eu l'occasion de connaître un peu mieux les alentours de chez moi. Comme il faisait incroyablement beau, mon père d'accueil m'a invité d'aller avec lui au petit village de Chevreuse. C'était trop joli : Il faisait du soleil, il n'y avait aucun nuage, et il y avait une douce brise. Nous avons vu plusieurs châteaux, une église très ancienne (et très belle), et tout le petit centre-ville charmant. Ceci m'a fait beaucoup de bien, surtout en vue des grèves à venir cette semaine.

Alors, pour résumé, j'ai passé plusieurs bonnes semaines, m'habituant toujours davantage à la belle vie française. Malgré les cours difficiles et les difficultés posées par la grève, je vais très bien à Paris, et j'ai hâte de voir quelles autres aventures je vivrai avant de partir de la France!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

First Exposé and Nuit Blanche

Hello, everyone! I would first like to apologize for taking so long to write a new post. This past week was my first week with any actual assignments to present, and the preparations for this week took up almost all my time. Because of that, I also did not really go anywhere until after my last class Wednesday, so I really did not have much to write about, anyway. (That is my excuse, anyway...)

To begin with school, this past Monday was my first exposé. Exposés are oral presentations that are an integral part of smaller classes at Sciences Po. Although the preparation for my first exposé was rather stressful due to the fact that the entire Sciences Po library just happened to be closed the week before my presentation (typically French, I'd say... : )), I think the presentation itself went rather well. I will not know for sure until I receive my grade in a few weeks (my first grade in France--yikes!), but it certainly feels like I have accomplished something simply by surviving my first exposé. Only three more to go this semester...

After classes this past week, I was able to take a little time to do some more sightseeing. Friday, I saw the outside of the Opéra Garnier, the opera house that appears in The Phantom of the Opera. It was gorgeous, and I cannot wait to see the inside! After that, I continued to the nearby Galeries LaFayette, a large, rather famous French department store. I did not stay there long due to the huge number of people in the store, but I may return a little later when there are no big sales going on. After that, I made a quick venture to H&M (quickly becoming my favorite store), then I finished my evening adventures at the Louvre. This week I decided to begin my thorough tour of the Louvre. I plan to see one small part of one floor for an hour each week until I have see the entire museum. This week's section was only about the history of the Louvre, so I did not see any grand masterpieces. I did get to see the remains of the medieval castle that was originally the Louvre, though. There is a contrast between the rich, elegant halls of the modern Louvre and the primitive, rough stone of the original fortress that used to be the Louvre!

Finally, I went out Saturday evening for Nuit Blanche. Nuit Blanche is an event that occurs once a year in Paris. For this event, many places in Paris are open until the wee hours of the morning, and there are many modern art displays and presentations throughout the city. Although I am not a big fan of modern art, I nevertheless ventured into Paris to take advantage of the free admission to the Musée de l'Orangerie, where most of Monet's waterlily paintings are on display. Before returning to Bures, I was able to see Notre Dame (which was beautiful with the front rose window lit up!) then drink a café with some Italians who were in Paris visiting a friend of a friend of mine. All in all, it was a very enjoyable evening!

I guess that is about all for now. I have really started to buckle down with my studying and school work, but I am still trying to make a point of exploring a new section of Paris every week. Who knows where I will go next? : )

Monday, September 20, 2010

More Sightseeing and More Classes

As the title of this post suggests, this week was filled with more sightseeing and more classes. I made a real effort this past week to squeeze as many outings in Paris as I could between classes, knowing that I will soon have too much work to be able to do much sightseeing.

To begin the week, I tried some mini-macaroons (which were absolutely delectable!) from La Durée, a well-known pâtisserie in Paris. After that, I went to the Champs Elysée, where I walked from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe before heading over to Père Lachaise cemetery. There are many famous writers, composers, singers, and other well-known people buried at Père Lachaise, including Chopin, Rossini, Proust, and Edith Piaf. Unfortunately, I could never find a real map, so I only managed to find Proust, but it was very relaxing nonetheless to spend a few minutes away from the noise and traffic of Paris streets.

Later in the week, I went to both the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée du Louvre. The Musée d'Orsay was somewhat disappointing, as 53 of their paintings by Monet are currently on loan for an exhibit at another museum in Paris, but I nevertheless was able to see a lot of Van Goghs and several sculptures that I really liked. The Louvre, which I visited the next day, was simply breath-taking. I planned to spend an hour in one small part of the museum to really be able to appreciate the artwork, but I decided to see the Louvre "à la tourist" for the first time, making the [very long] walk through the entire building to see the most well-known works. Because visitors under 26 years of age can get in for free without having to get a ticket every Friday evening, I plan to go there for about an hour almost every week to really see and appreciate as much as I can.

This past week truly signified the end of vacation for me, as I received all my assignments for the semester. As a side-note for those not familiar with French universities, French classes are rather different from their American counterparts, at least at Sciences Po. Rather than having weekly homework assignments, reading, and quizzes, most classes may only have an exposé (oral presentation), a fiche technique (a 2- or 3-page overview of an important topic or event), and a final exam, for example. The first day of each conférence (a class of about 20 people that goes along with the 250-people lectures) is spent by selecting topics for these assignments, which can be a rather stressful process. Nonetheless, I survived my first round of classes, and now know what my work load will look like for the semester.

Although I occasionally wish I were French [so I could actually understand what my professors are saying when they become a little too animated about a particular topic! : )], I truly do enjoy being an international student. So many of my experiences have reminded me of L'Auberge Espagnole (an excellent French film that I would highly recommend). For example, last night I went into Paris to have dinner with several of my friends I met during the welcome week, and there were two American students, three Chinese students, one Hungarian student, one Swedish student, one half-Russian student, two Australian students, and two German students! It was so much fun to communicate in broken French and English, sharing our experiences from the first couple weeks of classes at Sciences Po. I hope the rest of the semester goes this well!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Exposés et Patrimoine

Bonjour à tous ! Cette semaine s'est très bien passée, mais j'étais quand même très occupé. En premier lieu, c'était le début du vrai travail à Sciences Po, puisqu'on a choisi les exposés dans les conférences. Quel processus stressant ! Tout le monde voulait faire les mêmes exposés, et chaque maît' de conf' a son style différent de choisir quels étudiants feront quels exposés. Heureusement, les sujets que j'ai reçus me plaisent assez bien. Entre autres choses, je ferai un exposé sur un livre sur Robert Schuman, un exposé sur ce qui s'est passé en 1989, et un exposé sur la démocratie et la paix. Actuellement, il ne me reste qu'une semaine avant mon premier exposé, alors je suis un peu inquiet mais j'espère que cela va aller bien...

Outre mes études, je me suis profité ce week-end des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine. En fait, je n'ai visité qu'un seul endroit important. Cependant, le bâtiment que j'ai visité était le Palais de l'Elysée ! C'était vraiment génial et (selon moi) il valait la peine de faire la queue pendant 3,5 heures. Après la visite, j'ai découvert que j'avais pris plus que 500 photos du Palais de l'Elysée ! En revenant chez moi (à Bures s/Yvette), j'ai reçu une petite surprise : dans le métro, on utilisait un train qui datait du début du 20e siècle. C'était vraiment trop chouette, malheureusement que je n'aie pu le prendre parce qu'il y avait trop de monde dedans. De toute façon, je me suis bien amusé, sans doute.

Cette semaine, j'ai fait un vrai effort d'aller voir autant de choses que possible, sachant que je serais bientôt débordé de travail. Tout d'abord, je suis allé à La Durée lundi, là où j'ai acheté 4 mini-macarons. Les macarons ont été vraiment supers ! J'en ai acheté de 4 parfums différents : pétales de rose (mon préféré), pistache, framboise, et fruits rouge. Après, j'ai pris le métro jusqu'à la Place de la Concorde, puis j'ai marche jusqu'à l'Arc de Triomphe, et enfin je suis allé au Cimetière du Père Lachaise. Jeudi, j'ai passé un peu plus qu'une heure au Mussée d'Orsay, puis j'ai passé encore un peu plus qu'une heure au Mussée du Louvre le lendemain soir. Bien sûr, je ne pouvais pas voir grande chose au Louvre dans seulement une heure, mais j'ai quand même fait le tour du musée pour voir tout vite les plus grands chefs-d'œuvre. Je compte y aller presque chaque semaine pour passer une heure dans une petite partie différente.

Bref, je pense que je m'habitue très bien à la vie française (j'ai même commencé à ajouter "quoi" à la fin de presque toutes les phrases que je dis... :)). C'est une mode de vie tellement différente de la vie que je menais aux Etats-Unis, et je crois qu'il me fera beaucoup de bien de vivre à la française tout au long de mon séjour. A la prochaine !

Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome Program and First Week of Classes

To begin this post, I would like to clarify my blogging "system" for all the English-speakers following my blog. Starting next week, I plan to write two posts at the end of each week, one in English and one in French. I am certainly not trying to leave anyone out of my posts by posting in French, but I thought it would be good practice for me and more convenient for the French-speakers following my blog. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Now, for the real news for the week. This week was my first week of real classes. Because we only had large lecture classes this week, I only had to go to two classes. The first class, Espace Mondial, seems like it will be a fascinating course, as it is (more or less) a multidisciplinary approach to globalization. The professor is very dynamic and interesting, and I think I am really going to enjoy this course. My brain felt like it was about to explode after two hours of lecturing and furious note-taking (en français), but I think I will survive! My second class was a course about political systems and political life in the EU. Although I was particularly looking forward to this course, the professor seemed to be rather unorganized and, quite frankly, a little boring. I realize this was the very first class, so it is likely that the course will improve over the course of the semester. This week I will take the same classes along with the smaller, 15- or 20-person classes.

I have been quite amused by some of the different warning labels I have seen in France that do not exist in the United States. For example, I have noticed that there is usually an advisory of sorts on all junk food in France that reminds people of the need to exercise and to follow a balanced diet. While I think this is an excellent idea, I could not help but smile when I passed a Häagen-Dazs store and noticed a warning on their sign (formatted very much like the Surgeon General's warnings on cigarettes in the U.S.) that encouraged patrons to make sure they eat well and exercise! I appreciate the warning, but personally I am willing to take a chance every now and then for a scoop of Häagen-Dazs ice-cream. : )

Another aspect of my life in France that I have found to be quite interesting has been church in France. Although most of France is "Catholic," my French family goes to a protestant/evangelical church that is very similar to my church back home. Although the church is small, I have been quite touched by the faith of the members there. The high school and college students have welcomed me very warming, and I was excited to find out that there is a strong youth ministry there that I can get involved in. The atmosphere in France seems to be so different than in the U.S.; here, I feel like there is a much stronger feeling of being set apart because of one's faith, which I think will be a good challenge spiritually. I can't wait to see what God has planned for this year!

As a final note, I will mention a few details from the Sciences Po Welcome Program. Before the beginning of each semester, Sciences Po organizes a small program for new/exchange students to familiarize themselves with the university and with the teaching methods at Sciences Po. Although I learned a lot of useful things at during the week-long program, including how to write dissertations, give presentations, and complete other Sciences Po specific assignments in French, I must admit that I was exhausted by the end of the week! We had about 8 hours of classes each day, in addition to other activities, a couple tours, a pique-nique next to the Seine, a trip to see a play by Ionesco, and a ride on the Bateaux-Mouches. I really enjoyed the boat ride, which took us down a large portion of the Seine River through Paris, and I have posted a couple photos I took during the boat ride.

Overall, my first two weeks in France have been very busy. Classes have begun, I have almost finished the infinite number of administrative tasks I have had to complete (what fun!), and I have finally put away all my things in my room. Now is when the real work begins with classes in full swing!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Premières Impressions de la France

Salut à tous mes amis francophones ! [Anglophones: I will post again soon in English.]

Je suis désolé d'avoir pris tant de temps avant d'écrire en français. Dorénavant, je vais essayer d'écrire en français plus régulièrement. Enfin, avant de commencer mon premier poste en français, je vous prie de m'excuser mes fautes, car il y en aura beaucoup, j'en suis sûr !

Tout d'abord, je veux dire que j'adore la France ! La vie française (jusqu'au présent au moins) me semble plus riche et moins pressée que la vie américaine. Le couple français qui m'a accueilli est tellement gentil et très français. Par exemple, il nous faut au moins 2 heures pour chaque déjeuner/dîner que nous prenons, et il y a toujours plusieurs plats. J'ai goûté tant de bons fromages français, plusieurs pâtisseries différentes (en comprenant les religieuses, les éclairs, et des tartes aux fruits), et beaucoup d'autres plats qui m'ont plu. Heureusement que j'habite au deuxième étage et que je marche beaucoup à Paris pour aller à mes cours... : )

Bien que j'aie connu assez bien la culture française avant d'aller en France, il y avait quand même plusieurs choses qui m'ont étonné un peu après mon arrivée. Au premier lieu, je n'avais pas la moindre idée qu'il y avait autant de graffiti en France. Surtout près du RER B il y a plusieurs bâtiments complètement couverts de graffiti, ce qui m'a vraiment surpris. En plus, je ne parviendrai jamais à comprendre la façon française de faire la grève. Oh là là ! Aux Etats-Unis, les grèves sont assez rares et assez spontanées. Ici, par contre, il me semble que tout le monde sait exactement quand on fera la grève et on l'accepte comme un aspect tout à fait normal de la vie. En plus, j'ai entendu que la grève est presque totale sur la ligne B du RER, ce qui me gêne en tant qu'il m'empêchera d'aller à Paris. Heureusement, je n'ai pas de cours mardi prochain, le jour de grève. J'espère que cela de durera pas plus qu'une journée...

Jusqu'à présent, j'ai déjà visité plusieurs endroits célèbres à Paris. Ce mardi, j'ai déjeuné au Champs de Mars, tout près de la Tour Eiffel. Il faut avouer que je suis un peu déçu par la Tour Eiffel, puisqu'elle m'a semblé beaucoup plus grande dans toutes les photos que j'avais vues. En plus, il y avait pas mal de touristes, de gens demandant de l'argent, et des gens vendant de petits trucs. En revanche, les Jardins du Luxembourg m'ont beaucoup plu lorsque j'y suis allé vendredi. Je compte y aller souvent tant qu'il fera beau ! J'ai aussi vu les Tuileries, le Louvre (seulement l'extérieure), le Musée d'Orsay (extérieure), Notre Dame, le Centre Pompidou, et la Tour Montparnasse. Je n'ai pas encore mangé dans un vrai café (je n'ai pas trouvé de café qui ne coûte pas très cher...), mais je suis allé souvent au Monoprix. Sans doute, j'aime bien la vie parisienne, surtout le métro, ce qui est pratique, assez propre, et très facile à comprendre.

Alors, cette semaine c'est la rentrée ! Je n'ai que deux cours, les cours magistraux, mais c'est quand même une semaine importante pour moi. Je ne me suis inscrit qu'aux cours français, donc je suis un peu nerveux. De toute façon, je saurai bientôt si j'arriverai à me débrouiller dans les cours en français.

Merci beaucoup d'avoir supporter mon français un peu gauche et plein de fautes ! J'espère perfectionner mon français un peu pendant mon séjour. Je souhaite une bonne semaine à tous !

Friday, August 27, 2010

First Post in la Belle France

Wow! My first few days in France have been wonderful, but I have been so busy that I have only just found the time to write a post after being here for almost three days. What a beautiful country, though!

To begin, the trip here was a little long, but everything went very smoothly. I definitely enjoyed the flight from Philadelphia to Paris much better than the flight from Atlanta to Philadelphia, as over half the people on the Philadelphia/Paris flight were French (and thus speaking French). This was my first taste of language immersion, which was only topped once I arrived in Paris and was surrounded my nothing but French. Immersion is simply the very best way to learn a language, in my opinion, as I think I have already doubled my vocabulary since I arrived! Of course, it will take more time to absorb all this, but I think there is no better way to adapt to a language, to expand one's vocabulary, and to learn to speak like a native than to just immerse oneself completely. This is especially true for me, since I am living with a French couple with almost no knowledge of the English language (It has been difficult, yet fun at the same time.).

One of the first things I noticed after I arrived is that everything is much smaller in France, which I really like. Unfortunately, the prices do not seem any smaller (and are perhaps even larger...), but I still love seeing all the tiny cars and the beautiful little houses. The house I am staying in is absolutely wonderful, as well. I have my own bedroom with a twin-sized bed, my own little bathroom with a tiny corner shower, and a closet that is relatively large by Parisian standards. The whole house seems like a work of art, as it was constructed in the 19th century and my "host father" insists on buying as much period artwork and furniture as possible. My host father is also very handy around the house (le bricolage), so everything is in fantastic shape, with many modern amenities for such an old house. I have not had a chance to take any pictures of the house yet, but they should come very soon.

In the midst of all the business I have had to take care of, including applying for a metro card, a residence card, and a French bank account (with a whopping 3% interest for students!!), I have still been able to partake in the French joie de vivre. So far, I have been able to take a few walks through Bures sur Yvette, the quaint town where I am staying, including a stroll through the nearby park. I was also able to go to Versailles yesterday, which was simply breath-taking. I took tons of pictures there (about 150 in only a couple hours), and I plan to post them soon to a photo website, though for now I will try to add a couple to this blog post if I can figure that out. It was amazing to see the beautiful château filled with works of art, from famous paintings by David that cover an entire wall, to ornate furniture in excellent condition.

Another important aspect of the French way of life that I have enjoyed so far has been French cooking. Wow! Every lunch and dinner I have had since my arrival has had at least three or four courses, and it everything has been superb. We have also had French bread and cheese at nearly every meal. While the cheese is wonderful (especially tonne de savoie), I have been a little disappointed by the bread. Perhaps I need to go to a bread shop (boulangerie) one day and buy some fresh bread...

I guess that is about all for now. Of course, everything is not completely perfect (there is SO much paperwork to do for everything and I seem to notice a lot of graffiti, which surprised me a little at first...), but I have really had a great time adjusting to life in France. For now, I am about to venture into Paris for the first time, so expect another post to follow about my first venture into the City of Lights.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One Week to Go

With exactly one week before I hope to be on a plane heading to Paris, I have decided to try my first blog post. This post is mostly practice, as I have no exciting European adventures to report yet. I will say that I plan to update this blog weekly while in Europe, hopefully both in English and en français. The rest of today's post will just be a few reflections as I prepare to leave, so feel free to skip the rest of this post and wait for a more interesting entry after I arrive in Paris.

Ever since I found out about the Sciences Po exchange program at Tech, I have felt nothing but excitement and anticipation. I have wanted to go to France for about as long as I can remember, and I could not believe I would finally get to go my junior year. As my departure draws ever closer, though, I have started to feel a mélange of emotions--while I am eagerly counting down the days until my departure, I am really starting to get butterflies in my stomach. I know that this will be a life-changing experience, though, and I can't wait to get started!

I guess my current background image (a cheesy, "artsy" picture of the Eiffel Tower) represents my thoughts right now: I have so many stereotypical ideas of what I think Paris will be like, of the experiences I plan to have, and of the friendships I hope to form while I am there, yet I realize the real Paris--what I find beyond the trendy cafés and museum gift shops--will surpass all my expectations.

Until my next post in Paris,